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LACHEL Vitamin C 2 in 1 Supplement

LACHEL Vitamin C 2 in 1 Supplement


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LACHEL VITAMIN C is not ordinary vitamin C, it mainly derives its Vitamin C from Acerola Cherry not the common orange or lemon where mpst Vitamin C supplements are derived. Acerola cherry is known for its high concentration and high quality vitamin C content.INGREDIENTS: Acerola Cherry 200mg Ascorbic Acid 150 mg Citrus Aurantium 50mg Rosehip extract, 50mg Carrot extract 4pmg Vitamin E 10mg-BENEFITS: LACHEL VITAMIN C has a high ANTIOXIDANT content, makes your skin look younger and less dull-prevents premature aging-boosts imune system-fade scars quickly, promotes growth of collagen in the body-evens out skin tone.

  • promotes growth of collagen in the body-evens out skin tone
  • makes your skin look younger and less dull-
  • prevents premature aging
  • fade scars quickly,
  • boosts immune system

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Ensure continual usage of this product for a long time to attain the desired result.




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